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Burdeinyi D. D. 
Particle distributions of main QED and background processes caused by interaction of high energy photons with matter of photon polarimeter target / D. D. Burdeinyi, V. B. Ganenko, Yu. P. Peresunko, I. M. Shapoval, G. A. Vashchenko // Вісн. Харк. нац. ун-ту. Сер. фіз. "Ядра, частинки, поля". - 2007. - N 784, вип. 4. - С. 31-38. - Библиогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

The angular and energy distributions of the particles resulted from interaction of the polarized photons of energy 50 - 3000 MeV with matter of the photon polarimeter target were studied. The optimal kinematical ranges were founded for using the pair and triplet photoproduction processes for photon linear polarization measurement. The pair photoproduction could be used in the range up to 2 - 3 GeV if the coordinate (microstrip) detector with pitches ~ 100 mkm is applied for measurement azimuthal distributions of the line segments between electron and positron crosses the detector plane. The angular region <$E 10 symbol Р~<<~theta~<<~40 symbol Р> is more suitable if the triplet photoproduction process is used. The conditions were determined for decreasing contribution of the main background process of <$E delta>-electron production which strongly influences on the analyzing power of the triplet photopoduction process. For effective <$E delta>-electron background suppression it is desirable to apply the differential thresholds of the recoil electrons registration subject to their angle emission. Such approach can allow one to reduce the <$E delta>-electron contribution up to ~ 10 % at the most suitable angular intervals <$E 10~-~40 symbol Р> for polarization measurement.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В381.3


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