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Kulagina I. B. 
Phase relationships between calcium and voltage oscillations in different dendrites of Purkinje neurons = Фазові співвідношення осциляцій потенціалу та рівня кальцію в різних дендритах нейронів Пуркін'є / I. B. Kulagina // Нейрофизиология. - 2008. - 40, № 5/6. - С. 477-485. - Библиогр.: 35 назв. - англ.

We address the spatial dynamics of the membrane potential and intracellular <$E roman Ca sup 2+> concentration in the dendritic arborization of a simulated Purkinje neuron reconstructed at a high spatial resolution. We probe the mechanisms that couple spatial patterns of steady-state and oscillatory plateau potentials with the dendritic geometry. Simulations were performed with both passive and active membranes. Steady currents applied to the soma produced heterogeneous voltage distributions revealing the geometry-linked features of voltage and current transfer in the dendrite. Branching asymmetry splitted the isoplanar dendritic field into domains of different efficiencies. Active dendrites equipped with P-type <$E roman Ca sup 2+>, delayed rectifier <$E roman K sup +>, A-type <$E roman K sup +>, high-threshold Ca-activated <$E roman K sup +>, and <$E roman Ca sup 2+> dynamics, and intracellular <$E roman Ca sup 2+> (<$E [ roman Ca sup 2+ ] sub i>) dynamic mechanisms reproduced oscillatory plateau potentials. Occurring at given intensities of homogeneous tonic excitation via AMPA-type synapses over the whole arborization, an oscillatory activity of the dendritic domains is phase-ordered. An advance or a lag in the phase correlated with a lower or higher steady-transfer effectiveness of the corresponding domains. Snapshots of the dendritic field during plateau potentials reveal the dynamics of dendritic domains with different membrane potentials and <$E [ roman Ca sup 2+ ] sub i>, which are spatially reconfigured according to the phase of the cycle. This complex spatio-temporal behavior is hidden in single-site recordings.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*739.11*715.3


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