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Gaidar G. P. 
The kinetic of point defect transformation during the annealing process in electron-irradiated silicon / G. P. Gaidar, A. P. Dolgolenko, P. G. Litovchenko // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2011. - 14, № 2. - С. 213-221. - Бібліогр.: 32 назв. - англ.

The A-centers (VO) annealing and transformation of precursors to form stable CiOi defects during these processes are described. It was found the necessity to take into account annihilation of vacancy type defects with the interstitial type mobile defects to describe the annealing of defects. It was shown that the energies of migration for vacancy (V) and interstitial carbon atoms Ci that are defined by the degree of their localization in silicon lattice at the temperature close to 550 K are equal <$E E sub m sup roman V~=~1,1> eV and <$E E sub m sup {roman C sub i}~=~1,16> eV, accordingly. The values for potential barriers and their positions on the migration path of interstitial carbon atoms to oxygen (Oi) in the region for capture of Ci atom by Oi atom (with the radius <$E 14,7~roman A back 35 up 35 symbol Р>) are determined. It was brought evidences that vibration band of absorption at 865,9 cm<^>-1 is attributed to A-center modified by carbon, and the 967,4 cm<^>-1 band is attributed to a metastable state of CiO2i defect associated with an oxygen dimer. The position of the A-center donor level in the forbidden band of silicon is determined as <$E E sub roman V~+~0,415> eV.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.222 + В379.227


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