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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Baranskii P. I. 
Peculiarities of thermoannealing in n-Si and n-Ge crystals with oxygen impurity / P. I. Baranskii, G. P. Gaidar // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2012. - 15, № 3. - С. 218-222. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

Investigated in this work were changes in the concentration of charge carriers <$E n sub e> and their mobilities <$E mu>, which occur under the influence of thermoannealing of n-Si and n-Ge crystals grown by the Czochralski method. Thermoannealing of n-Si samples was carried out both at 450 and <$E 650~symbol Р roman C>. The results of the influence of two-stage (combined) thermoannealing have been presented. In the first series of experiments, the annealing was performed at <$E 450~symbol Р roman C> with varied duration (from 5 to 45 h) at the beginning, and then it was carried out for 40 hours at <$E 650~symbol Р roman C>. The second series of experiments was as follows: the annealing at <$E 450~symbol Р roman C> for 45-hour duration, then the annealing at <$E 650~symbol Р roman C>, which was carried out for various periods of time (5, 10, 20, 45, 66 hours). The observations for changes of <$E n sub e> and <$E mu> were carried out both at the temperature 300 and 77 K. It is ascertained that changing the main parameters (<$E n sub e> and <$E mu>) in <$E roman {n~-~ Ge symbol ... As symbol ъ}> heavily doped single crystals, as a result of the series of thermoannealings (duration 30 min in each case) within the temperature range from 540 to <$E 900~symbol Р roman C>, is non-monotonous due to transformation of the thermodonors TD - I into TD - II.

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