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Горяйнов С. В. 
Теоретичні основи геологічного картування для ГІС-технологій / С. В. Горяйнов // Геоінформатика. - 2003. - № 2. - С. 79-82. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - укp.

The geological mapping aims at displaying geological bodies of the territory. The assembled information demands preliminary classification of supervision and diagnostic of geological objects, before it will become accessible to the computer program. It is offered to do it on the basis of the theory of natural geological bodies, which takes into account all their varieties. The clearness of principles allows formalise to easily descriptive geological supervision for application of GIS-technologies. The applications of the theory and GIS at different stages of drawing up a geological map are shown. The constructions of the form allocated of formational deposits with the help GIS permit topologically correctly to display structural relations of geological bodies on a plane and in space. The representations about natural geological bodies can become a theoretical basis of geological maps of the following generation.

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