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Кулінкович А. Є. 
Геоінформатика: історія становлення, предмет, метод, задачі (Сучас. точка зору). Ст. XXI / А. Є. Кулінкович, М. А. Якимчук // Геоінформатика. - 2007. - № 1. - С. 6-26. - Бібліогр.: 202 назв. - укp.

The paper is the twenty first one in the series of publications, that are dedicated to fundamental problems of geoinformatics - subject of scientific research, main aims of the new science, methods to solve its specific tasks and so on. In the twenty first paper it sums up the five years investigations what is the geoinformatics as a scientific discipline. There are two interconnected approaches: geoinformatics is a science about geoinformational technologies and this discipline is an integrative force among geosciences. The second approach is considered in details. It is proposed for geoinformatics the program ("the megaprogram") that includes seven positions: to discover a new cognition channel (by deciphering of "the stone chronicle of the Earth crust"); to construct one the base of such a deciphering a new pattern of the Universe ("a new picture of the Worldedifice"); to work out a new methodology of getting scientific discoveries and so on. Examples of a successful fulfillment of the proposed megaprogram are given.

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