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Кулінкович А. Є. 
Геоінформатика: історія становлення, предмет, метод, задачі (сучасна точка зору). Ст. XXIV / А. Є. Кулінкович, М. А. Якимчук // Геоінформатика. - 2007. - № 4. - С. 5-18. - Бібліогр.: 79 назв. - укp.

This paper is the twenty forth in a series of publications dedicated to fundamental problems of geoinformatics - the subject of the scientific research, main aims of the new science, methods of solving its specific tasks and so on. In this paper, in connection with the international program "the Year of the Planet Earth", the problems of creating of "a new epoch of the Renaissance" in the geosciences is discussed. Such an epoch is characterized by following factors: the "extraordinary scientific activity" ("the creative abundance" (N. Berdyaev)); the active use of the classic intellectual heritage, especially, the philosophical heritage of the Antiquity; striving for scientific results that are of great importance in history of the mankind culture. In such a context the geoinformatics megaprogram is analysed. A special attention is made to development of the geotemporalistics - scientific branch that investigates the geologic time. It is considering "the doctrine of the pre-established geologic history" that is proposed by authors.

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