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Левашов С. П. 
Эффективность оперативных геофизических технологий при изучении инженерно-геологических условий на участках метрополитена приповерхностного залегания / С. П. Левашов, Н. А. Якимчук, И. Н. Корчагин, Ю. М. Пищаный // Геоінформатика. - 2009. - № 2. - С. 30-47. - Библиогр.: 28 назв. - рус.

There are given results of practical application of a complex of geoelectric methods of forming a short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF) and of vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS), as well as of seismic-acoustic and georadar soundings in areas of constructing Kiev new underground stations. The negative (destroying) influence of underground water on transport infrastructure objects under construction and nearby located buildings and dwelling is shown. The following conclusion is made: it is absolutely necessary that underground water flows should be taken into consideration when doing design work for constructing buildings, industrial structures and transport infrastructure objects. Neglecting underground flows causes the essential waste of time and financial resources. The finding and mapping of water flows and areas of super moistened soil can be operatively realized by a complex of offered geophysical methods. This complex can also be used for solving specific engineering and geological problems when constructing new near-surface underground lines, as well as for regular monitoring of the engineering-geological condition of the environment in areas of already acting underground lines.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О811.1-02


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