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Лось В. В. 
Механизм коррозии титанового имплантата в среде полости рта при pH 3 и нагрузке на имплантат в 60 МПа / В. В. Лось, В. А. Лавренко, А. А. Чеховский, В. А. Швец, В. И. Подсосонный // Доп. НАН України. - 2005. - № 4. - С. 181-187. - Библиогр.: 10 назв. - рус.

The measurements of the dependence of the Ti implant anode current density on the time exposure at 30 <$E symbol Р>C and pH 3,0 in a 0,05 M H2C2O4 solution, that imitates a medium of mouth cavity, are carried out. The loads on the implant of 60 and 0,1 MPa were used in a special electrochemical cell placed in a high-pressure chamber. The composition and morphology of interaction products formed at 60 MPa in the different layers of a corrosion film formed on the implant surface are determined at its etching by <$E roman Ar sup +> ions in the spectrometer chamber with the aid of Auger spectroscopy, XRD, and SEM methods. The insignificant load effect on the Ti implant corrosion rate is established; hereby, the corrosion mechanism itself is essentially changed. It is shown that, at 60 MPa and long-time (<$E >>~7> h) polarization of the Ti implant, the protective oxide film of 600 nm in thickness is formed on its surface. This film consists of three layers: outer one (Ti4O7 oxide), intermediate (<$E omega - roman {Ti sub 2 O}> sub-oxide) and inner ones, the latter being a solid solution of 3 - 4 % O2 in titanium.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р668.6


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