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Dudok T. 
Comparison of the Blood Component Optical Transmission Spectra of White Rats with and without Ethanol Intoxication / T. Dudok, O.Korobova , V.Korobov , O.Moroz , I.Vlokh , R.Vlokh. // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2003. - 4, № 3. - С. 119-123. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

In this report we present spectroscopic transmission studies of hemoglobin extracted from the vein blood of laboratory rats free of and exposed to ethanol intoxication, which are performed in order to analyze the relevant spectral differences. The animals were divided into the intoxicated group (IG) and the control group (CG). The results show a noticeable difference of the absorption/transmission spectra of hemoglobin extracted from the blood of these two groups. The difference in the absorption spectra is probably associated with the fact that the vein blood of ethanol-intoxicated animals includes more RHb than that of the CG. The deoxygenation process rate for the hemoglobin of intoxicated animals reaches a higher value and is quicker than that for the CG. It means that the affinity of the IG hemoglobin to oxygen is smaller than that for the CG. The minimum in the transmission spectra of hemoglobin with the dissolved cibacron blue colouring agent is shifted to a longer wavelength range (620 nm).The transmittance value for the IG is smaller than that for the CG, implying probably that the immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the IG possesses a more essential decomposition of its spatial structure, when compare with the CG. The changes in the transmission spectra of hemoglobin are detected after adding <$Eroman {H sub 2 O sub 2 }> and bromthymol blue, indicating the protein conformational changes for the IG animals.

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