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Koltunowicz T. N. 
Inductive-type properties of (Co45Fe45Zr10)x(Al2O3)100-x nanocomposites produced by the ion-beam sputtering in the argon and oxygen ambient / T. N. Koltunowicz, P. Zhukowski, J. A. Fedotova, A. V. Larkin // Журн. нано- та електрон. фізики. - 2012. - 4, № 1. - С. 01002. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The paper discusses changes in the phase-shift angle and capacity Cp depending on the frequency of alternating current of (Co45Fe45Zr10)x(Al2O3)(100-x) nanocomposites characterized by the metallic phase content of x = 38,2 at.%. The tested samples have been produced in the argon and oxygen atmosphere by means of ion-beam sputtering of two targets made of the CoFeZr alloy and strips of the Al2O3 dielectric. Samples have been tested before and after their annealing at the temperature T and frequency f. Dependences of the phase-shift angle <$ETHETA>(T, f) and capacity Cp(T, f) have been determined for temperatures of the 77 - 373 K range and frequency values ranging from 50 to 10<^>6 Hz. For the tested samples of the x = 38,2 at. % content it has been found that at high annealing temperatures the phase-shift angle is << 0 within the low-frequency area, while at high frequency values >> 0. The analysis has shown that in the samples studied the series connection of capacity and noncoil-like inductance can be realized. Capacitive properties of LC circuit with і <$E90~symbol Г~THETA sub L ~<<~0 symbol Р> are presented at low frequencies and its inductive properties with <$E0 symbol Р~symbol Г~THETA sub H ~<<~90 symbol Р> become apparent at high frequencies.

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