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Великодная А. В. 
Владельческие записи на книгах из собрания Анджея Кухарского / А. В. Великодная // Вісн. Одес. нац. ун-ту. Сер. Бібліотекознавство, бібліографознавство, книгознавство. - 2015. - 20, вип. 1. - С. 49-65. - Библиогр.: 26 назв. - рус.

Дана характеристика массива владельческих записей в коллекции польского слависта Анджея Францишека Кухарского (Andrzej Franciszek Kucharski; 1795 - 1862) из фондов Научной библиотеки ОНУ имени И. И. Мечникова. Значительное внимание уделено атрибуции записей владельцев, среди которых Юзеф Губе, Лукаш Родакевич, Станислав Микошевский и Казимир Хроминский.

Подано характеристику масиву власницьких записів у колекції польського славіста Анджея Францішека Кухарського (Andrzej Franciszek Kucharski; 1795 - 1862) з фондів Наукової бібліотеки ОНУ ім. І. І. Мечникова. Значну увагу приділено атрибуції записів власників, серед яких Юзеф Губе, Лукаш Родакевич, Станіслав Мікошевський та Казимир Хромінський.

Studying of book collections from the library stacks is one of the important problems of library studies. However there are no special works studying provenance on the books from a “dispersed” book collection of Polish slavist, ethnographer, traveller and bibliophile Andrzej Franciszek Kucharski (1795-1862), which is kept in the stacks of the Scientific Library of the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University for 150 years. The article characterizes a corpus of provenance on books from A. Kucharski’s collection. Gathering his unique library Polish slavist didn’t ignore book collections of his compatriots, this fact is apparently showed by various possessory inscriptions on his copies of editions. The author pays a great attention to attribution of owners of the provenance. Among them are an advocate, writer and theologian Jozef Hube, a Napoleonic army officer, engineer and architect Lukasz Rodakiewicz, an architect and geometrician Stanislaw Mikoszewski as well as a lawyer, pedagogue and philologist Kazimierz Chrominski. The article contains data on a structure of book collections, resources of their increasing and further fate. It should be accentuate that a book from Mikoszewskis collection is stored in the Scientific Library although it has been considered until recently that their collection has remained only in Kyiv. The author used historical, bibliographical and systematic methods for accumulation of facts, its systematization and theoretical processing.Finding results enlarge knowledge about scientific interests of bibliophile (studying and comparative grammar of Slavic languages) and give an idea of a history of gathering of the private library which was enriched with gifts and purchases by owner for over than 40 years. As a result of studying of possessor inscriptions (a main part of which only denotes the fact of belonging of the copy) previous owners’ personalities were attributed. The article is interested for historians, philologists, bibliographers and bibliophiles.

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