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Osinsky S. 
CD8 and CD45RO T lymphocytes in bone marrow of gastric cancer patients: correlation with disseminated tumor cells and disease outcome / S. Osinsky, A. Kovelskaya, L. Bubnovskaya, D. Osinsky, S. Merentsev // Эксперим. онкология. - 2015. - 37, № 1. - С. 48-52. - Бібліогр.: 27 назв. - англ.

Aim - to evaluate the association between the presence of CD8 and CD45RO T lymphocytes in bone marrow (BM), disseminated tumor cells (DTCs), tumor hypoxia and their impact on disease outcome. 91 naive gastric cancer (GC) patients were enrolled into the study. DTCs, CD8- and CD45RO-positive T lymphocytes in BM were detected using immunocytochemistry. Ail patients were thoroughly informed about the study that was approved by the local ethics committee. Statistical analyses were done using NCSS2000/PASS2000 and Prism, version 4.03 software packages. It was detected that 80,5 and 81,3 % of patients had CD8- and CD45RO-positive T cells in BM, respectively. When DTCs were detected in BM, the number of patients with CD8-and CD45RO-positive T cells in BM were 86,1 and 84,4 %, respectively. It was also determined, that the number of patients with DTCs in BM with categories M0 and M1, and with CD8- and CD45RO-positive T cells in BM were 86,2 and 85,7 %, 85,7 and 80,0 %, respectively. The association between DTCs in BM and presence of CD8 and CD45RO T cells lymphocytes in BM was not found. At the same time it was shown the association between presence of CD8 and CD45RO T lymphocytes and survival. The presence of CD8- and CD45RO-positive T cells in BM were accompanied with significantly longer overall survival of patients compared to that of patients without CD8- and CD45RO-positive T cells in BM. Conclusion: patients with the presence of CD8- and CD45RO-positive T cells in BM demonstrated better survival of GC patients than those with the absence of these cells in BM. It may be suggested that tumor cells in BM are controlled in a dormant state by T cells in BM, in particular by CD8-positive T cells.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р569.433.2 + Р411.1


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