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Hemmati M. 
Rat xenograft chondrosarcoma development by human tissue fragment / M. Hemmati, A. Abbaspour, A. M. Alizadeh, M. Khaniki, A. Amanzadeh, M. A. Mohagheghi, M. S. Mousavi // Эксперим. онкология. - 2011. - 33, № 1. - С. 52-54. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Chondrosarcoma is one of the most difficult types of cancers to diagnose and treatment. Therefore, the development of a reliable animal model for chondrosarcoma would be a helpful tool to study of the tumor's growth and progression. Aim - we conducted this study to develop a chondrosarcoma on rat by graft of human chondrosarcoma tumor tissue. Fourteen male Sprague - Dawley rats equally divided in xenograft-implanted and control groups. On the lateral side of the right femur distal 1/3, 5 mm incision was done on the skin after animal anesthesia. Then, was drilled 3 mm on the bone and implanted the xenograft in the bone. Radiography was taken from the operated femur weekly until the fourth week and monthly for 3 months. Four animals of each group were sacrificed after 4 weeks of operation; femur was harvested for histopathological study. Radiological images showed sclerotic area on the implanted bone after 4 weeks of operation. Sections from tumoral areas reveal cartilage forming hypercellular neoplastic tissue with lobular pattern of growth and foci of adjacent tissue invasion such as bone trabeculas and bone marrow. Conclusion: the present study showed that rat xenograft chondrosarcoma can develop by human chondrosarcoma fresh tissue fragments.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р569.481


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