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Machulec B. 
Thermal and electrical similarity of reaction zones in the ferrosilicon submerged arc furnaces / B. Machulec, W. Bialik // Сучас. проблеми металургії : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - 19, вип. 1. - С. 154-161. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Due to various electrical properties and diverse mechanisms of heat generation, differences in current characteristics for the upper and lower zones of the ferrosilicon furnace are observed. These differences are neglected in similarity criteria by Andreae and Strunski - Westly (k, c3), applied in theory and practice for a long time for ferrosilicon smelting processes. It has been demonstrated that the parameter c3 is useful for determination of current characteristics concerning the furnace upper zones where heat is directly generated in the charge material due to resistance heating. It cannot be used for assessment of thermal conditions in gas chambers of the arc where heat is generated as a result of radiation from the arc. For determination of current characteristics of gas chambers, Jaccord's parameter J1 is suitable. Do date, it has not been widely used in theory and practice, of ferrosilicon smelting. The paper controverts the opinion of Jaccord who negates usefulness of the parameter c3 for selection of electrical parameters with respect to ferrosilicon furnaces. The parameter c3 characterises thermal and electrical similarity of the ferrosilicon furnace upper zones while the parameter J1 refers to thermal and electrical conditions of the arc gas chambers.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К326.803-1


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