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Hertsyk A. 
Smart goal setting in physical therapy = Постановка мети фізичної реабілітації/терапії в SMART-форматі / A. Hertsyk // Фіз. виховання, спорт і культура здоров'я у сучас. сусп-ві. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 57-64. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Topicality. SMART format has been a common method of setting goals in the ehabilitation process. That is why the study of establishing SMART goals is included in the physical therapy curriculum. The experience demonstrates the need of simple and clear interpretation of SMART format to prepare physical therapists. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to analyze existing approaches of SMART goals formulations to choose one of the basic definitions of SMART format for educational needs and practice, and to offer a clear interpretation of selected definition. Method. Twenty different formulations of SMART format for general use and physical therapy were analyzed. The most common determinations have been identified and selected. Systemic analysis of definition combinations including links between them and the specific of physical therapy was performed. Results. In the selection of a SMART-format the following problems were identified, such as the large number of options, the repetition of the definitions based on their content, contradiction and inaccuracy and different interpretation of the same definitions. The main requirements of setting combination for SMART goals in the physical therapy were defined and the goal setting features were revealed. It is established, that the choice of definitions needs only in certain combinations based on the definitions interpretation and relationships between them. Systemic resources held by the physical therapist and the patient is defined to address the research objectives. An option of SMART format for use in physical therapy is justified. Conclusions. Students need to be taught to formulate the physical therapy goals in one option of the SMART goal format. The ideal format is impossible. The key questions for the correct goals setting are correct definition interpretation and accurate assessment of available resources.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч511.05


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