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Korchemlyuk M. 
Environmental audit of Ukrainian basin ecosystem of the Prut river = Екологічний аудит української частини басейнової екосистеми р. Прут / M. Korchemlyuk, L. Arkhypova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 98-106. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To carry out an environmental audit within the Ukrainian part of the Prut River ecosystem with analysis of existing anthropogenic pressures and impact in order to improve the monitoring system. Methodology. Long term data of various government agencies on quantitative, qualitative and hydro-biological water parameters of investigated hydro-ecosystem has been collected and statistically processed. Complex indicators included several groups of specialized classifications: the criteria of salt composition; trophic-saprobiological criteria; specific criteria for the content of toxic substances and radiation exposure; hydro-biological criteria - bio-indication indexes. Findings. The main loads on the Prut River basin within Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions of Ukraine of both anthropogenic and natural origin have been analyzed. It was confirmed practically that the sources of environmental contamination at existing loads, the impact on the territory of natural disasters pose a threat to the population and the economy with a high level of risk and potential losses. Total load of waste water and pollutants that degrade water quality has been calculated as well as indicators of pressure on the river basin from sewage. Environmental audit results allowed identifying weaknesses in water monitoring system in the Prut basin ecosystem. Originality. For the first time the environmental assessment of quality and quantity of the Prut surface water ecosystems has been comprehensively determined with comparison of parameters at different sample points. Science-based approaches to integrated management of the Prut River basin have been improved. Practical value. The improved surface water monitoring network in Ukrainian part of the Prut basin considering point and non-point sources of pollution, adversely affected environmental factors has been presented. The study is the basis for the development of measures to achieve safe environmental condition in river basins that meets the obligations of Ukraine under the "Environment for Europe" process and improves cooperation with EU Member States.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д229.5

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