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Kravchenko T. 
Utopia: journey through time and space towards real Noland = Утопія: подорож крізь час та простір до справжньої Нідеї / T. Kravchenko, A. Cheban // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Філол. науки. - 2015. - № 5. - С. 120-124. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

The article dwells on main stages of development of utopia as a philosophical idea expressed in fiction. As it is ideal-oriented with the aim to make mankind happy, utopia reflects hopes and views of a cultural epoch, which is why exploring the history of utopias one can explore the history of the social views of mankind. The article highlights different views on utopian ideal and the possibility of its implementation in real life. It analyses typical features of a utopian society as based on mechanical theory of happiness and the place of people in it. The article also provides characteristics of utopia as a literary genre as well asits typical literary forms. According to the localization of a utopian culture on the historical time scale one can single out retrospective (an ideal society is placed in the past as reminiscences of Golden Age), prospective (a utopian culture is described in the future, as happy time-to-come) utopias and utopia which exists in indefinite time (as if in presence, for example as an island country, just to prove that the happy life is somewhere near). At present one can state that genre chronotop has changed one more time, as a new kind of utopia has appeared - aspective utopia - in which the presence is shown as idealized, flawless, without trouble and problems, for example as the "worlds" created in advertisements.

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