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Vasylenko O. V. 
Automated system of scanning the surface potential = Автоматизированная система сканирования поверхностного потенциала / O. V. Vasylenko, Ye. L. Zhavzharov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 69-75. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of an automated system of scanning the surface potential by criteria of efficiency, universality, adaptability, accuracy and speed. Methodology. The structural and parametric optimization of the system was performed by using multivariate analysis at the macro-level by the tools of behavioral simulation in Micro-Cap 11 program, according to the principles of research of multi-domain systems in Automatic Control Theory. Findings. Due to three stepper motors, controlled by the microcontrollers, this system allows one to fully automate the surface scanning process, improve the accuracy and speed measuring a contact potential difference on the basis of Kelvin method. A number of new models for virtual experiment at macro-level in ECAD applications have been developed. A prototype system has been designed and experiments with different materials, coatings and films have been conducted. Originality. New models of elements for automatic control systems which are relevant to the criteria of adequacy and efficiency and are supplemental to ECAD software for analyzing mechatronic systems have been developed. Practical value. Compared with prototypes, these systems have distinctive features such as low cost, full automation of scan, variation of scale and the number of steps, as well as automatic compensation of potential difference. Due to the full automation, the proposed system increases the possibility to analyze the structural, electrical and physical state of surface of different materials, while its low cost and adaptability expands its possible application for the educational process. Models of Control System elements have been installed in the ECAD library and are available now for using in analysis of mechatronic systems.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З23


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