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Ilyash O. I. 
A holistic territorial approach to the social security system reformation and the social complex reorganization in the Western region / O. I. Ilyash, V. I. Voloshyn // Стратегіч. пріоритети. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 66-74. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

In the research, the destructive changes in the development of socio-cultural and social complexes and in the functioning of the infrastructure of the system of social services and social security are identified; the measures aimed at ensuring the development of the social infrastructure of the western region of Ukraine are stated. The critical factors of fixing low living standards of the population, which impede the acceleration of regional development, are established. The causes of passivity and financial inability of existing social policy in the territory of the western region of Ukraine are determined. The necessity and the importance of the usage of a holistic territorial approach to the reformation of social security system and the reorganization of social complex in order to ensure the priorities of balanced development of the western region are proved. The priority directions and means to activate the influence of social policy on the ensuring of the priorities of balanced development of the western region and on the growth of regional economy have to become the implementation of a holistic territorial approach to the reformation of social security system and to the reorganization of social complex. In addition, the primary goals have to be the realization of the spatial strategy of regional labor market development from short and long-term prospects and the strengthening of the influence of an educational component on the formation of high quality labor potential and the scientific maintenance in the sphere of balanced regional development. The outlook concerning further researches within this area is the identification of priority goals of social policy, which will take into account the development of social complex as well as the system of social security of the western region at a separate stage of their strategic development and identification of means that ensure their achievement.

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