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Prokopenko V. I. 
Environmental oriented imperative of developing the opening technology and excavation of horizontal fields = Еколого-орієнтований імператив розвитку технології розкриття та розробки горизонтальних родовищ / V. I. Prokopenko, Yu. I. Litvinov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 51-57. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Selection and substantiation of a methodical approach to building an opening technology and developing horizontal and sloping brown coal and manganese layer with capacity of 1,5 - 10 m, lying in the soft overburden with the full filling out space overburden, improving remediation and reducing costs of transportation of overburden pile. Methodology. Research tasks are performed by the methods of critical analysis and synthesis of scientific papers and experience of quarries to set goals and formulate opinions; by the analytical method while substantiating parameters of mine workings and piles; as well as by the graphic-analytical method for visual images flowsheet and its parameters. Findings. The technology of horizontal opening and working fields, based on the allocation of mines to transport overburden and minerals within the quarry field is developed. Flowsheet parameters that provide interaction drop and piling of fronts to accommodate the overburden are grounded. The possibilities are shown offered by technology to fully use of the capacity produced by open pit and reduce transport costs. Originality. Opening processes of a horizontal bed of minerals are grounded which, unlike the known ones, involve changing the location of temporary trenches, namely their periodic movement with conveyor lines in a quarry that allows completing backfill gob. Analytical dependence of the conveyor trench on the lower tier moldboard angle of slope spreader working platform is established that will allow implementing full accommodation overburden rock ledges to pile tiers. Practical value. The developed technology takes into account eco-oriented imperative to work out horizontal and sloping brown coal and manganese bed with capacity from 1,5 to 10 m, namely the requirement for its development without the formation of the outer blade and complete filling out space overburden. In practice, the technology will increase the area of land to restore, improve conditions for the mine technical reclamation and accelerate the maturities of the restored lands to agriculture.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И154


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