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Fedoreiko V. S. 
Modeling of block of electricity generation of cogeneration system for heat generator = Моделювання електрогенеруючого блоку когенераційної системи теплогенератора / V. S. Fedoreiko, R. I. Zahorodnii, I. B. Lutsyk, M. I. Rutylo // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 87-92. - Бібліогр.: 4 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Selection and substantiation of the method for maintaining the maximum power of a thermoelectric generator unit to provide its energy-efficient modes of functioning in various modes of operation of the cogeneration system. Methodology. Theoretical studies were based on the theory of thermoelectric conversion law of thermodynamics, heat transfer theory using the methods of mathematical and physical modeling according to the theory of identification and theory of experiment. Designing computer models was implemented according to the simulations methods using Simulink tools. The check of theoretical research on the experimental sample the cogeneration system in a production environment was realized. Findings. Based on the established mathematical relations, an algorithm was designed to maintain the maximum power of the thermoelectric module taking into account the temperature coefficient of its internal resistance changes. A simulation model of a cogeneration unit was designed, which includes, in particular, the heat generator subsystem and power generating unit. It was proved possible to increase the efficiency and the maximum capacity of power generating unit by calculating and setting the input current required for it. Originality. The algorithm for determining the maximum power of thermoelectric generator in cogeneration systems is defined. This can improve their energy efficiency under different temperature conditions. Practical value. Application of the developed models can adequately reproduce the dynamics of the operation of a thermoelectric module of a cogeneration system and to identify the parameters of the system under various load conditions. The proposed algorithm for determining maximum capacity is implemented in the power generating unit control system module. This makes it possible to ensure improved energy efficiency of the cogeneration system.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З362-04

Шифр НБУВ: Ж16377 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 
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