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Cherekar M. N. 
Chemical assessment of Sambhar Soda Lake, a ramsar site in India / M. N. Cherekar, A. P. Pathak // Химия и технология воды. - 2016. - 38, № 4. - С. 441-446. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

The Sambhar Soda Lake situated in Rajasthan, is the largest inland salt lake. The chemical assessment of this lake water is studied with respect to its abiotic characters. Monsoon and winter water sample analyses revealed that the lake water is hypersaline and highly alkaline in nature. The average maximum pH is 9,5 and salinity 30 %, which is one ofthe uniquefeatures of this lake. As compared to monsoon water sample the winter sample contains remarkable concentration of various ions like sodium (9930 mg/L), chloride (7356 mg/L), bicarbonates (6080 mg/L), sulphate (9152 mg/L). Various metals were recorded from this sample analysis. The considerable amount of lead (1359 mu g/L), cadmium (1416 mu g/L), copper (2099 mu g/L), and cobalt (2453 mu g/L) metals were found from winter 2010 sample. As compare to other saline lake and sea water the Sambhar lake water chemistry is different, and require continuous monitoring.

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