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Naumov V. S. 
Forming the strategies of sustainable development of freight forwarders at transportation market = Формування стратегій сталого розвитку експедиторських підприємств на транспортному ринку / V. S. Naumov, O. G. Kholeva // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 129-134. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of theoretical bases for forming the strategies of freight forwarders' sustainable development for their operation under conditions of transport service market. Methodology. Using the principles of a systematic approach and based on the apparatus of the sets theory, a model of the market of freight forwarding services was proposed. On the basis of the results of sustainable development paradigm analysis the indicators of sustainable development for freight forwarding companies were suggested. The task of forming strategies for sustainable development of transport and forwarding companies was formulated within the developed transport market model, basing on the conceptual apparatus of game theory. Findings. A model of the freight forwarding service market was developed, which allows formalizing demand for transport services, as the characteristics of the material, financial and information flows circulating in the logistics system. Numerical operational and economic parameters were picked out to describe the indicators of sustainable development of freight forwarding companies. In the game model for the formation of forwarding companies strategies, the payoff function was formalized which, on the one hand, is determined on the basis of the numerical parameters of demand, and, on the other hand, it includes numerical characteristics of sustainable development indicators for the company. A methodology was proposed to ensure the practical implementation of the developed principles for the formation of sustainable development strategies of forwarding companies. Originality. In the paper for the first time an approach is proposed to the formation of behavioral strategies of forwarding companies in the transport service market environment which, as opposed to existing ones, allows determination of strategies ensuring sustainable development of enterprises. Practical value. The developed model is theoretical basis for experimental studies, which aim at the determination of the freight forwarding companies behavior strategies ensuring their sustainable development.

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