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Veretennikova V. P. 
Coursebook of professional English for software engineering : textbook / V. P. Veretennikova, E. V. Zavalevskaya, T. O. Borzdykh; Odessa nat. A.S. Popov acad. of telecommunications. - Odessa : ONAT. named after A.S. Popov, 2017. - 247 c. - англ. - рус.

The textbook ''Coursebook of Professional English for Software Engineering'' contains original texts borrowed from English and American popular scientific publications and is accompanied by lexical and grammatical commentary and lots of exercises. It is aimed to provide training for use of English and speaking, to consolidate and extend students' language skills through grammar and vocabulary sections as well as to keep students motivated with contemporary and professional topics. The textbook also includes expressions and vocabulary exercises for the development of the common English proficiency. Commentaries may be found useful, explaining difficulties that often cannot be solved by reference to a dictionary. The main purpose of the textbook is to train students for literature reading and topics discussion related to many challenges of Software Engineering as a part of computer science in which several kinds of methods, thoughts and techniques are used for getting the high quality software and computer programs, and the skills development of the oral and written language. The skills learned from this course will be useful for those preparing to start work and for those already in work.

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