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Голобородько Є. Є. 
Гендерні особливості функціонального стану нирок щурів із експериментальним ожирінням за умов профілактичного введення орлістату й біонанокомпозиту на основі фенугреку / Є. Є. Голобородько, В. В. Конопельник, Т. Б. Синельник, І. В. Якубцова, Л. І. Остапченко // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 12-18. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - укp.

Prevalence of obesity is increasing in adults and children, and has been described by the WHO as a global epidemic with an estimated 500 million obese adults and 1,5 billion obese or overweight individuals worldwide. Obesity is associated with an overall increase in mortality and a decrease in lifespan of up to 20 years. Obesity, as well as related diseases, is considered a problem of developed countries. Kidney diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) have prevalence close to 10 % in adult populations. CKD can develop to end-stage renal disease and this is usually fatal unless some form of renal replacement therapy (chronic dialysis or renal transplantation) is provided. Medicinal plants and the chemicals derived from them have gained the interest of scientists for their role in maintaining health and preventing diseases. Today more and more herbal supplements used to treat various chronic diseases because they have less toxic effects than chemically synthesized drugs. Recent preliminary reports suggested that herbs might be effective in reducing appetite and promoting significant weight loss are encouraging. The medicinal plant with potential efficacy to prevent obesity is briefly discussed. As one promising candidate, in this study, we investigated effects of fenugreek-based bionanocomposite in High Caloric Diet (HCD) - induced obese rats. The aim of the present study was to investigate the gender features and effect of Orlistat and bionanocomposite preventive administration in rat kidney with experimental obesity. Rats of group 1 - control; group 2 - control with bionanocomposite treatment for 21 days (150 mg/kg); group 3 - control with Orlistat treatment for 21 days (10 mg/kg); group 4 - obese rats (HCD); group 5 - HCD with bionanocomposite treatment for 21 days (150 mg/kg); group 6 - HCD with Orlistat treatment for 21 days (10 mg/kg). Content of creatinine, urea and uric acid was measured by semi-automatic biochem analyzer Microlab 300 (Vital Scientific, Netherlands). Statistical analysis performed. Values are statistically significant at p << 0,05. Conclusions: the results from this study show a significant increase in the levels of all investigated serum markers of the functional state of kidney in male rats group in condition of high-calorie diet. This fact indicates dysfunction of the kidneys, in particular, their filtration ability due to damage the glomeruli of the nephrons. In female rats blood serum in condition of high-calorie diet the increase of uric acid and urea content was found, at the same time serum levels of creatinine are reduced. High-calorie diet obese male rats characterized by faster and significant progress of kidney injury when the female rats were more resistant for progress of kidney diseases in HCD obesity model. The results indicate that Orlistat preventive administration have some side effects with impact on kidney injury that was more expressive in male rats group. Positive effect of fenugreek-based bionanocomposite administration on the functional state of the kidneys is related to the general normalization of the metabolism of male and female rats in control groups and animals that received a high calorie diet. Therefore bionanocomposite might have beneficial effects on obese prevention generally.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р415.202.1-29 + Р252.74


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