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Вадзюк С. Н. 
Стан сприймання у старшокласників за різних типів погоди / С. Н. Вадзюк, О. М. Ратинська // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 19-24. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - укp.

Studies of mental disability rights are now relevant. Significant effects on mental performance produce environmental factors. There is evidence of unequal mental performance of students in different types of weather. It plays an important role in the mental performance of students high school age when the transition of individuals from childhood to adulthood, living self a professional choice. An important component is the mental capacity perception. The importance of efficiency and reliability of most modern professional skills, as well as the success of schooling and higher education given the level of development of mental qualities of the individual. In people, the perception of time is determined, apparently, as endogenous and exogenous influences. Unlike all living organisms, a person has the only ability to consciously count time, consciously involuntarily acts at certain intervals of time. Not born with a ready-made sense of time, a person gradually learns to evaluate time intervals, develops the ability to smooth movements, master the concept of speed, sequence and tempo of events, develops a sense of rhythm, improving this perception of time throughout his life. The aim of our work і study parameters perception of space and time intervals of the students high school age in different types of weather. The study involved 90 healthy students of high school age (15 - 17 years). To assess the perception of space we used the method of "Clocks". To assess the accuracy of the perception of time, we used the method of "Determination precision time intervals". A survey conducted in Ternopil, which is located in a temperate continental climate. According to the classification I. Grigorieva in the city there is the weather I, II and III types. Type of weather data received every day during the survey, with reports of Ternopil weather station. Studies conducted in the days of I, II and III types of weather. The calculations results were t-Studentіs test methods and nonparametric statistics. This article analyzes the performance and accuracy of perception of space time perception in students high school age in different types of weather. It was established that the figures were reduced space perception of deteriorating weather conditions. The students 15 years of favorable weather observed best performance perception of space, compared with students for 16 years. Evaluation of the accuracy of perception of time in high school decreased by unfavorable weather. Describing the features of spatial perception by the method of "Clocks" in the high school age students in different types of weather, a decrease in state space perception in adverse weather, compared to favorable. This is consistent with the data set of students in different types of weather. Our research the accuracy of perception of time in high school age students in different types of weather showed, for all children of school age senior figures perception accuracy at time intervals and the highest type of weather, which observed the smallest number of false answers. Unfavorable weather negatively affect the process of perception of students surveyed contingent.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р128.94


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