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Тютюнник О. В. 
Місце і роль курсу "Соціальне партнерство" у професійній підготовці соціальних працівників до міжсекторної взаємодії / О. В. Тютюнник // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 135-140. - Бібліогр.: 4 назв. - укp.

The author defines the place and role of the course "Social Partnership" in social workers' professional training to cross-sector collaboration. Due to the fact that social work is focused on solving social and individual problems of clients and groups, this is the area which is able to unite equal partners. Cross-sector collaboration is about health, education, and welfare services working together with clients to provide coordinated, quality services for people with different social problems, particularly for clients with complex needs (people with disabilities, orphans, women victims of violence, prisoners, etc.). Cross-sector collaboration is carried out between the public, private and social sectors. During the social workers' training in high school, we need to give students a clear idea of the social partnership essence and implementation in the social work area; the main criteria of social partnership efficiency; the basic principles of these relations; interaction levels; motivation to participate in cross-sector collaboration and more. The author points out on the theoretical and practical components of the course "Social Partnership", the main issues that students have to learn during class and explore on their own.

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