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Tereschuk R. 
Parameters of single anchor effect area in homogeneous border rock mass / R. Tereschuk, O. Hryhoriev, V. Tikhonenko // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - Вип. 41. - С. 22-25. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Analysis of basic methods to increase stability of mine workings is carried out. Objective of the paper is to study and determine area of single anchor effect on border mass at different anchor length, mining depth and physical and mechanical characteristics of enclosing rocks. Results of mathematical simulation of mine working located in homogeneous rock mass and fixed by single anchor are given. The research was based on the data of surveying regularities in changes of border mass strain-stress behaviour and amounted to the determining of expected displacement of natural mine working contour. Dependences of changes in single anchor effecting border rock mass upon anchor length, the working depth, and physical and mathematical characteristics of rock are obtained. Rational dimensions of single anchor effect area on border mass upon the anchor length, the mine working depth and physical and mathematical characteristics of rock are determined. Efficient anchor length for the mining and geological conditions is defined. Further research will be focused on studying effect of single anchor in heterogeneous border rock mass.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И14


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