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Kovalenko I. L. 
Development of native equipment and technology of drillholes charging with emulsion explosives of mark Ukrainit / I. L. Kovalenko, N. I. Stupnik, V. Z. Nebogin, M. K. Korolenko, I. A. Karapa, E. P. Onopriyenko, V. S. Rychko // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - Вип. 41. - С. 92-97. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The absence in Ukraine of native technology and compact mixing-charge equipments restrains the use of bulk emulsion explosives in the tunnel faces in underground mining. The solution to this problem is the relevance of this work. The aim is to develop technology and native mixing-charge equipment for charging drillholes with emulsion explosives of mark Ukrainit. A special feature of the emulsion explosive Ukrainit is peroxide gas generation of "cold" emulsion, which ensures its high detonation characteristics and operability as well as minimum harmfulness of explosion gases. Gas filling time of the emulsion is reduced to 15 - 25 minutes due to the introduction of the catalyst in the structure of gas-generating additive, and the detonation velocity is increased to 5000 - 5200 m/s. Portable mixing-charge equipment "CЗС-1", compact chargers "ЗЭП-15", "ЗЭП-10" and self-propelled charger "ЗЭВС-1", equipped with dosing pumps of the original design, which provides a balanced dosage (within 0,8 - 1,2 % in the gas-generating additive) and high-quality mixing in the necessary proportions, are developed. A distinctive feature of the self-propelled charger "ЗЭВС-1" from the existing analogs is the usage of an additional low-power diesel engine providing the work of dosing pumps wile charging drillholes in poorly ventilated faces. This reduces fuel consumption and waste gases emissions, which is extremely important for conducting blasting work in deadend faces Completely standalone and does not requiring connection to the mine pneumatic and electric grids, self-propelled charger "ЗЭВС-1" should occupy a niche in conducting tunnel blasting works in mines with section 9 - 15 m<^>2 and charging 2 - 3 faces per shift.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И133.15


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