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Berdzenishvili N. M. 
Georgia / N. M. Berdzenishvili, B. Beridzishvili // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - Вип. 41. - С. 222-224. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Georgia is a country with ancient history and original unique culture. The country history is a long list of rises and downfalls of empires, intrusions of external enemies, violence and wars. But at the same time, this country has a huge cultural heritage. Georgia is a unique country possessing enormous tourism potential. Extended along the Black Sea coast, it has about 300 mountain (Abastumani, Bakuriani, Bahmaro, Gudauri, etc.), seaside (Kobuleti, Ureki, Batumi, and etc.), balneotherapeutic and mud (Borzhomi, Sairme, Likani, and etc.) health resorts, over 10 thousand monuments of archeology, history, architecture and art, and also numerous nature sanctuaries. And all these is concentrated within the small territory occupied by the hospitable and distinctive people. Since the Georgian government decided to move their parliament to Kutaisi, there has been a lot of work on restoring streets, buildings, parks and monuments and the city has become much safer. But a visit here is nonetheless near mandatory to see the magnificent Bagrati Cathedral, and Gelati Monastery, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage sites, and have commanding views from the mountain slopes over the city and the Rioni river.

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