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Zaikina D. P. 
Study of current methods for identification and evaluation of occupational hazard at the mining industry enterprises / D. P. Zaikina // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2017. - Вип. 44. - С. 157-161. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Analysis and systematization of the existing quantitative and qualitative methods and methodology for risk assessment in the field of occupational health and safety with a view to further justify choice of a method to adapt the calculations for occupational hazard in conditions of mining enterprises. Research methods. Currently, there is a countrywide need for develop new and improve given methods, means and principles for the protection and promotion of health workers at unhealthy trades, including miners, whose work on existing criterion is applied to the category of high life and health risk. Thus, to achieve this purpose there was the complex method of scientific research, comprising: a generalization and analysis of the literature and static information on the working conditions in the iron-ore mines; Injury methods of analysis getting injury, the expert assessments, mathematical statistics and probability theory to assess of occupational hazard, which enables further development towards integration of occupational health and safety management system in conditions of underground iron-ore mining. The necessity of a unified approach to risk assessment and implementation of the management of occupational hazards (OH) in the occupational health and safety management system in mining enterprises is grounded. A new approach to the procedure for the identification and hazard assessment, which will minimize the probability of accidents, injuries, occupational hazards and, consequently, increase the stability of the performance of production functions is given. An overview of the main approaches to improving the effectiveness of occupational safety and health administration at the mining enterprises is done.

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