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Tkachova N. 
Didactic game as an advanced method of communicative competence formation in future specialists in documentation and information services / N. Tkachova // Advanced education : зб. наук. пр.. - 2017. - Вип. 7. - С. 141-145. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The article states that the formation of communicative competence in future specialists in documentation and information activities alongside with professional competence is a measure of educational quality. The skills and abilities constituting communicative competence of a specialist in documentation are listed, including the ability to participate in collective decisions, taking up responsibility, resolving conflicts without violence, expressing tolerance and respect for people of other cultures, language s and religions; living in a multicultural society and others. The main characteristics of didactic games have been outlined (design, roles and responsibilities, common goals, cooperation, teamwork, the presence of competition elements). The article discusses the basic requirements for didactic games which include joint activities and mutual responsibility of participants; contextual use of results; developing creative thinking; involving participants into the dialogue and others. The author discusses the results of implementing didactic games with students of the "Record Keeping", "Documentation", "Information and Analytical Activity" specialities. Qualitative indicators of positive changes have been revealed in the levels of students' communicative competence after using a business game as the basic didactic method. Conclusions state the importance of implementing a didactic game in the communicative competence formation in future specialists in documentation and information services.

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