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Iliash O. 
Directions to ensure the implementation of the state policy reforms in the social sphere / O. Iliash // Стратегіч. пріоритети. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 91-97. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Reveals critical socio-economic factors that influence a low level of the implementation of reforms and transformations in the social sphere and reduce the indirect effects of economic cooperation in the sphere of social protection of employees, migration and development of social infrastructure. The necessity to develop the directions of cooperation in the sphere of employment, social policy and equal opportunities for the population in order to confront social challenges and improve the quality of life, which is caused by a number of quantitative and qualitative changes, is substantiated. It is proved that solving the problem of the selection of skilled personnel in the Ukrainian labour market would help to improve employment opportunities for the Ukrainian workforce, including labour migrants and internally displaced people. The reforms of state policy in the social sphere should be primarily aimed at solving the social problem of late payment of salaries, the problem of widespread use of shadow pay schemes, which negatively affect the efficiency of management and social protection of workers. The means of expanding cooperation that are aimed at improving the quality of life, confronting social challenges and realizing equal opportunities of the Ukrainian population, are suggested. The priority directions and means of intensifying the implementation of reforms and transformations in the social sphere are singled out. The proposed measures will promote the efficient implementation of the Conception on social policy of Ukraine until 2023 and the Strategy of overcoming poverty for the period up to 2020, help to maintain effective employment of the population and reduce the number of compulsory redundant workers, ensure efficient cooperation in the sphere of the social policy and equal opportunities for the population within the framework for the implementation of the economic component of the association agreement.

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