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Kondrat R. M. 
Pilot testing technology to clean gas pipelines in Khidnovytske gas field = Дослідно-промислові випробування технології очищення внутрішньої порожнини шлейфів свердловин Хідновицького газового родовища / R. M. Kondrat, A. V. Uhrynovskyi, O. S. Sendeha, V. Ye. Blizniakov, T. V. Potiatynnyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 12-19. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improvement of hydraulic efficiency of the pipelines of the gas and gas-condensate wells by means of their internal cavity cleaning from fluid accumulations. Methodology. The set tasks were solved by means of carrying out the experimental studies and determining the time, required for dissolution of the viscoelastic pig in water and condensate water with different content of the surface active agent. In order to determine the efficiency of using the viscoelastic pig, the appropriate pilot tests were performed on the pipelines of the Khidnovytske gas field wells. Findings. The theoretical and actual values of the hydraulic resistance coefficient of the well flow lines were calculated for the conditions of the Khidnovytske gas field. The pipelines of the wells, where additional pressure losses occur due to the fluid accumulation in their lowered sections, were determined. In order to prevent formation of the water slugs in the pipelines of the wells, the technology of using the viscoelastic pig, which is water-soluble and consists of the domestic chemical agents, was proposed. The total gas flow rate increased by 1,1 thousand m<^>3/day after the usage of the suggested technology. Originality. A technology for cleaning the flow lines of the wells from the fluid accumulations with the help of the viscoelastic pig was developed on the basis of the water solution of the carboxymethyl cellulose and surface active agent with the possibility to regulate the destruction time of the polymer system. Practical value. The proposed technology can be used for cleaning the internal cavity of the pipelines of the low-pressure gas and gas-condensate wells, as well as of the field gas pipelines, from the fluid accumulations. As a result, stable fault-free operation of the well with the increased flow rates of the gas and gas condensate is ensured.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И362.08


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