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Yunhong Shi 
Effect of organic carbon on tertiary denitrification of the secondary effluent in biofilters packed with suspended carriers / Yunhong Shi, Yingxue Sun, Nan Wei, Guangxue Wu, Hongying Hu // Химия и технология воды. - 2018. - 40, № 2. - С. 160-173. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

Denitrifying biokinetics in biofilters packed with suspended carriers were evaluated under different empty bed residence times (EBRT) with ethanol or acetate as the electron donor. The two denitrifying biofilters removed nitrate (<$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N) effectively after only 3 - 4 days operation. At EBRT of 30; 15 and 7,5 min, the <$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N removal percentage was 84; 72 and 59 % in the ethanol biofilter, and was 89; 70 and 62 % in the acetate biofilter, respectively. With the influent <$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N loading rate ranged from 0,4 to <$E1,8~g "/" (m sup 2 ~cdot~day)>, the <$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N removal loading rate increased with increasing influent <$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N loading rates, and the system was substrate limited. While when the influent nitrate loading rate was above <$E3~g "/" (m sup 2 ~cdot~day)>, the system was biomass limited. The half-order coefficients were 0,162; 0,175 and 0,274 (mg/L)<^>1/2/min for the ethanol biofdter with the influent <$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N concentration of 7,3 - 7,7 mg/L, and were 0,107; 0,165 and 0,303 (mg/L)<^>1/2/min for the acetate biofilter with the influent <$Eroman NO sub 3 sup -> - N concentration of 6,8 - 8,0 mg/L. Denitrification efficiency varied slightly during the backwashing cycle, and the effect of backwashing on the effluent turbidity was relatively large, especially for the biofdter with ethanol as the organic carbon.

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