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Kuzminov B. P. 
The study of acute inhalation effect of nitroxoline on experimental animals / B. P. Kuzminov, G. I. Yaskiv, T. A. Aliyokhina // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 18-23. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

The effect of acute nitroxoline inhalation on experimental animals was studied. The test was performed on 4 groups of white rats, containing 8 animals, by intranasal administration of 0,2 ml of nitroxoline solution. Animals of the control group were injected with 0,2 ml of 0,9 % NaCl solution. The experimental groups were formed according to the concentration of the single inhalation effect of a substance that corresponded to the suprathreshold, threshold and subthreshold concentrations of the compound in the working zone air concerning the calculated threshold of a single inhalation action. It was determined that acute nitroxoline inhalation effect in the following concentrations - 706,8, 235,6 and 78,5 mg/m<^>3 - did not cause changes in the blood hemogram, biochemical parameters and circulating immune complexes on the first day of the experiment. The noticeable tendency towards the decreased erythrocyte count and the increased bilirubin level was observed on the second day after a single inhalation effect of the compound in animals of the experimental groups, although the indicators were not statistically significant (p >> 0,05). The concentration of nitroxoline 706,8 mg/m<^>3 prolonged the duration of thiopental sleep by 1,9 times on the first day (p << 0,001) and by 1,3 times on the second day (p << 0,01) of the experiment. The obtained results proved the failure of the physiological detoxifying capacities of the body to conjugate and remove nitroxoline from the body completely during 24 hours. Conclusions: the threshold of nitroxoline acute action (Lim ac) due to the duration of thiopental sleep for white rats in case of inhalation was 706,8 mg/m<^>3. The chemical structure of the nitroxoline molecule did not reveal the properties of a valuable antigen capable of triggering toxic and allergic reactions in case of the single inhalation effect on the body.

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