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Sulym A. O. 
Theoretical and practical determination of parameters of on-board capacitive energy storage of the rolling stock = Теоретичний і практичний базис визначення параметрів бортового ємнісного накопичувача енергії рухомого складу / A. O. Sulym, O. V. Fomin, P. O. Khozia, A. G. Mastepan // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 5. - С. 79-87. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

In view of the stage-by-stage increase of electricity tariffs, further development of metro rolling stock is impossible without application of modern energy saving technologies and energy efficient systems. Purpose. Further development of metro rolling stock equipped with regenerative braking systems with regard to increase in its energy efficiency due to introduction of an on-board energy storage units of capacitance type with account of changes in daily operational condition. Methodology. Three approaches for determination of parameters of on-board capacitive energy storage are suggested based on the results of experimental research studies, and also using the statistical methods of data processing, analysis and probability theory methods. The suggested approaches include successive implementation of the following combined stages: a choice of operation area and a model of metro rolling stock, determination of normal daily operational environment, experimental research on energy power processes during different daily operation of rolling stock, mass-data processing, histograming and determination of on-board capacitive energy storage parameters using the suggested criteria. Findings. Energy power processes were registered under normal daily operational conditions of rolling stock equipped with regenerative braking systems on Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska line of PU "Kyiv Metro". Instantaneous and average energy power and an amount of electric power for each regenerative braking process of a train were measured. According to the results of mass-data processing, probabilistic characteristics are built in the form of histograms of the density distribution of average power and regenerative energy amount within three suggested approaches. Major technical parameters of on-board capacitive storage, i. e. nominal and maximal power, operational and total energy capacity are determined with the aid of the above-mentioned approaches for specified operational conditions of the metro train. Originality. For the first time approaches for determination of parameters of on-board capacitive energy storage for metro train according to the analysis of distribution density of average power and amount of regenerated electricity are proposed. Research on determination of parameters of on-board capacitive energy storage for metro rolling stock with brake regenerative systems got further development. Practical value. The suggested approaches can be used for construction of metro rolling stock with on-board capacitive energy storage.

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