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Mackinova M. 
Psychosocial rehabilitation / M. Mackinova, Ja. Stanciak // Україна. Здоров'я нації. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 50-57. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Psychosocial rehabilitation is a method of treatment, prevention and quality of life in addition to another therapy, e.g. pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Illness, eventually loss of limbs influences each patient/client and raises various mental conditions, which interferes his/her life in all areas of. It is important to achieve that the patient/client with the help of health workers, despite of his/her new difficult health situation will find such life values, who is able to handle after physical and mental aspects, and in which would he/she will find at least partial satisfaction and a sense of his/her significantly altered life. The aim is that the patient/client, despite the new health situation or disability lives his life for him/her in satisfactory quality of life. This method is based on a sick person and his/her disease or disorder, and is intended to eliminate, modify or mitigate the difficulties (Kopinec, 2013). It is important that the patient/client will will to start the healing process. The patient/client determine whether he/she will attend psychosocial rehabilitation, for how long and whether is he/she willing to cooperate. Psychosocial rehabilitation is aimed at a group of people with mental disorders, with a disability and the social problems. It is often carried out in an environment of community care. Its aim is socialization into the environment, adaptability, mental balance, learning to cope with stressful situations and empathy, increasing the stability of mood swings, training and education of real life, integration with help or without into the new living conditions in order to achieve a reasonable quality of life. Patients with varying degrees of dementia have different handicaps - rigidity, difficulty in adaptability, inversion of sleep, worsening medical condition. Emphasis should be on-psychotherapeutic rehabilitation mode. Physiotherapy is similar than within the age groups with the modification of patient higher age. It is necessary for the complexity of the subject to maintain independence in terms of preservation of locomotors skills and self-sufficiency in all activities. The relationship between the therapist and the patient allows that by the patient occur change and begin the process of change. Taking care of patients with dementia is limited by number of factors. Limited is the variability of physiological functions due to decreased cardiovascular fitness and respiratory insufficiency, presented is immobility syndrome with its manifestations - contractures, pressure sores. Another limiting factor is the deterioration of visual and auditory functions, weakening tactile perception and motor skills and speed reduction and response readiness. Present are frequent changes of mood. New survival of old enjoyments contributes to the reconstruction of personality. Part of physiotherapy treatment is irreplaceable ergotherapy, art therapy and music therapy.

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