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Kovaleva M. G. 
Improving the wear resistance of thermally sprayed nanocomposite Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coatings by pulsed plasma treatment / M. G. Kovaleva, V. V. Sirota, V. M. Beresnev, Yu. N. Tyurin, O. N. Vagina, I. A. Pavlenko // Журн. нано- та електрон. фізики. - 2018. - 10, № 6. - С. 06035-1-06035-4. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

In this study the surfaces of thermally sprayed nanocomposite Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating have been treated by the pulsed plasma. The nanocomposite Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating was deposited by a new multichamber gas-dynamic accelerator on grit blasted steel substrate. An automatic pulse-plasma device "Impulse-6" was employed to plasma treatment the surface of Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating. The microstructure and wear resistance of the surface of the nanocomposite Cr3C2 - NiCr coating before and after the pulsed plasma treatment (PPT) was studied in this paper. Wear tests were carried out using a computer controlled pin-on-disc type tribometer at <$E25~symbol Р roman C>. The specific wear rate of the nanocomposite Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating after PPT is approximately four times less than that of the Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating before PPT, indicating that the nanocomposite Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating after PPT exhibits better wear resistance. Detailed analysis indicates that the enhanced wear resistance of the nanocomposite Cr3C2 - 25NiCr coating after PPT is mainly attributed to the formation of an oxide tribolayer and smoother surface, which result from the dense and amorphous microstructure of the coating.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К663.033.057.2 + В371.21


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