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Issabek T. K. 
To the problem of selecting vertical shafts location with combined geotechnology of developing deposits = До проблеми вибору місця розташування вертикальних стволів при комбінованій геотехнології відпрацювання родовищ / T. K. Issabek, A. Zh. Imashev, N. B. Bakhtybayev, Sh. B. Zeitinova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 5-12. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Justification and development of scientific and methodological provisions and recommendations for determining the rational location of vertical shafts with the combined method of mining mineral deposits (the combined geotechnology), taking into account the new man-made impact factor: the open pit space, as well as contact of weakened rocks with the open pit, the presence of ground-based open pit facilities and communications) with approbation at the mine of the Zhairem MCC JSC (the Republic of Kazakhstan). Methodology. When performing the studies on determining the location of vertical shafts in the combined geotechnology conditions (transition from open pit to the underground method), the calculation method of the geomechanical model of the massif according to P. S. Shpakov classification is used that allows using the numerical-analytical method to estimate stability of slopes for the open pit boards of arbitrary shape. Findings. The algorithms for step-by-step, sequential, local optimization of qualitative characteristics and quantitative parameters for selecting the area of rational and safe location of vertical shafts and a model of the combined geotechnology using opening schemes of vertical shafts are proposed. The method for calculating and assessing stability of open pit slopes for open pit boards of arbitrary shape for the geomechanical model of a heterogeneous massif for 4 types of computational schemes is considered. The results of scientific and experimental studies in the conditions of the Ushkatyn-3 deposit (the Republic of Kazakhstan) allowed determining the zones of rock displacement around the pit and establishing safe distances for vertical shafts from the edge of the pit. Originality. Studies for determining the rational and safe location of vertical shafts with the combined geotechnology, taking into account new technological factors: open pit space, areas of weakened rocks contacting the open pit, land-based open pit facilities, communications, and others. The model which allows determining the vertical shafts location in the combined geotechnology is developed. There are extended methodological provisions for calculating and assessing stability of the pit slopes for the geomechanical model of the heterogeneous massif which allow establishing the zones of the rock displacements and collapse on the earth surface. Practical value. The proposed methodological guidelines and recommendations for selecting the rational place for laying vertical shafts, a model of the combined geotechnology when opening with vertical shafts, the ways of solving specific engineering and geomechanical tasks will improve the efficiency of using the combined geotechnology in the course of further development of fields that assume open-underground mining.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И152


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