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Sinchuk O. 
Control system of double-rotor induction motors for hybrid vehicles = Система керування асинхронними машинами із двома роторами для гібридних транспортних засобів / O. Sinchuk, I. Kozakevych // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 72-78. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Analyzing of the principles of construction of a double-rotor induction machine control system as a power divider in hybrid vehicles. Defining the features of the functioning of this electromechanical system during the operation of the internal combustion engine and when it is turned off. Methodology. The theoretical studies were based on the theory of induction electric machines, the principles of the operation of power converter devices, the laws of transformation of electric energy into mechanical and vice versa. The synthesis of the control system of the double-rotor induction machine was carried out using the theory of field-oriented vector control. The design of the computer model was performed using simulation in the Matlab/Simulink environment. Findings. The existing structures of hybrid vehicles were analyzed and it was found that the most versatile scheme is a series-parallel scheme. In such systems, the planetary transmission is used as a power divider, but it is a complex mechanical unit. In order to replace the planetary transmission in the hybrid vehicles, the possibility of using a double-rotor induction machine was studied. The structure of the control system for an induction machine with two rotors is developed, the internal rotor of which is connected to the internal combustion engine, and the external rotor is connected to the transmission of the vehicle. The stator and the internal rotor of the machine are connected to a converter that can conduct electric energy in both directions. The results of the simulation of the system during operation of the internal combustion engine, as well as when it is turned off, are presented. Originality. The structure of the control system of a double-rotor induction machine in the hybrid vehicle, in which the control of the internal rotor is carried out in order to maintain the reference value of the torque, and the control of the external rotor is carried out in order to maintain the necessary speed of the vehicle, is proposed. Practical value. The proposed system can be used in the structure of existing hybrid vehicles built on a series-parallel scheme. In its structure, a double-rotor induction machine can simultaneously replace both electric machines, one of which is most often used in the generator mode, and the other is used in the motor mode, as well as the planetary transmission, which performs the separation of electrical and mechanical powers.

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