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Костів М. О. 
Зміна показників пероксидного окиснення білків у вагітних із дифузним токсичним зобом / М. О. Костів // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 48-53. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - укp.

During the whole pregnancy the tendency towards the activation of free radical lipid oxidation is observed in any pregnant woman, but in the 38 - 40 weeks of pregnancy there is a decrease in the intensity of these processes (due to the growth of antioxidant activity and the decrease in the content of <$Ebeta>-lipoproteins) and reaches the level of 28 - 32 weeks of gestation. In the third trimester of pregnancy there is a stabilization of the high level of processes of peroxidation of proteins, which increases during the childbirth. The complication of pregnancy with diffuse toxic goiter (DTG) leads to even more obvious activation of lipid peroxidation and the inhibition of antioxidant defense system acting as a factor limiting the adaptive reactions of the body, leads to various complications in the course of gestation and childbirth. In order to determine the free radical oxidation of proteins 138 pregnant women with diffuse toxic goiter were examined in the third trimester of pregnancy: 65 patients of which had a mild degree of diffuse toxic goiter, 64 had a moderate degree, 9 had a severe one and 30 women with physiological gestational age comprised the control group. Studies have shown that in pregnant women with severe diffuse toxic goiter there is a significant increase in the processes of protein oxidation, which is almost in 1,9 times higher than the similar rates in pregnant women of the control group. The growth of the indicators of oxidative modification of proteins at each length of wave was on average equal to 34,66 % per 1 ml of blood, with a mild degree of diffuse toxic goiter, 22,91 % per 1 gr of protein; with a moderate degree - 88,43 % per 1 ml of blood and 42,29 % per 1 gr of protein; with DTG with a severe degree this indicator makes up 135,85 % per 1 ml of blood, and per 1 gr of protein - 83,91 %. The growth of these indicators is directly proportional to the severity of the disease, the activity of the processes of peroxidation of proteins in such women is more obvious than the lipid peroxidation. Thus, the physiological pregnancy is accompanied by the increase in the formation of free radical products, but with a relatively reliable work of antioxidant mechanisms, this does not significantly affect the degree of degradation of protein molecules, although some increase in derivatives of the oxidative modification of proteins is determined in the serum of blood. The development and complication of the severity of DTG is characterized by the pathological activation of peroxidation of proteins in cell membranes at the background of the decrease in the antioxidant activity, which is significantly reflected on the degree of degradation of protein molecules. Free radicals appear that violate the permeability of cell membranes, increase the viscosity of lipid bilayer of cells and reduce the synthesis of endogenous phospholipids. Blood peptides are very changeable to the action of free radicals. The data of peroxidation of proteins may be considered as criteria for determining the severity of hyperthyroidism as well as a criterion for predicting the course and possible complications of pregnancy for both a mother and a fetus in women with fetoplacental insufficiency at the background of diffuse toxic goiter.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р716.216.415.12


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