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Паєнок О. С. 
Вплив оксидантного стресу на розвиток метаболічних порушень у вагітних із дифузним токсичним зобом / О. С. Паєнок, М. О. Костів, Б. Р. Грицишин // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 44-51. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - укp.

The high content of lipid peroxidation products in biomembranes leads to the weakening of the barrier function and the increase in its permeability for organic matter and various ions. The products of lipoperoxidation cause a damaging effect on proteins, thiolcompounds, deoxyribonucleicacid, nucleotidephosphates which ultimately affect the vitality of a cell negatively. The leading factors in the disorganization of cellular metabolism in this case are the separation of oxidativephosphorylation in mitochondria, ionim balance of a celland the activation of lysosomal enzymes. The purpose of our study was to determine the dependence of the activity of free radical lipidoxidation on the degree of severity of thyrotoxicosis in pregnant women and women in labour, based on the determination of the malondialdehyde concentration, dieneconjugates, superoxidedismutase enzymes and selenium-dependent glutathioneperoxidase which characterize the processes of glycolysis and the functional capacity of the antioxidant defense system. To achieve our goal, we examined 138 pregnant women and women in labour with diffuse toxic goiter, 65 patients of which had a mild form of diffuse toxic goiter, 64 of them - a moderate formand 9 of them - a severe one. The control group consisted of 30 women with a physiological course of pregnancy. The research was carried out in the third trimester of pregnancy as well as during the childbirth. Thus, the conducted studies show that the intensity of the lipid peroxidation can serve as a test for determining the severity of diffuse toxic goiter and is used for the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, the prognosis of the course of the childbirth, postpartum and the period of a newborn's birth, for the application of adequate tactics and therapy in this pathology of pregnancy. The obtained metabolic disorders are characterized by the accumulation in the body of undocociated products such as ketones, aldehydes, semi-solids, free radicals, peroxide, which can lead to the development of severe encephalopathies in diffuse toxic goiters. The development of metabolic violences in severe forms of thyrotoxicosis is characterized by the pathological activation of lipid peroxidation in the context of the decrease in the antioxidant activity, which significantly affects the degree of degradation of protein molecules, and the free radicals thus occur,violate the permeability of the biomembrane cells, reduce the synthesis of endogenous phospholipids, increase the viscosity of the lipid bilayer of cells. The indicator of lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress may be criteria for the severity of thyrotoxicosis, as well as a marker for predicting the course of pregnancy, both for a mother and a fetus in women with diffuse toxic goiter.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р716.216.415.12


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