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Plakhtii O. A. 
Active single-phase four-quadrant rectifier with improved hysteresis modulation algorithm = Активний однофазний чотириквадрантний випрямляч із покращеним алгоритмом гістерезисної модуляції / O. A. Plakhtii, V. P. Nerubatskyi, V. Ye. Kavun, D. A. Hordiienko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 93-98. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improvement of the hysteresis control system which, thanks to the advanced switching power switch algorithm, allows reducing dynamic losses in comparison with known hysteresis control systems. Methodology. Simulation of an active four-quadrant converter in the Matlab/Simulink program. Mathematical analysis of the Fourier spectrum of the input current. Findings. Simulation modeling proves the effectiveness of the proposed modulation algorithm by reducing the number of switching power switches. In addition, during the implementation of the proposed switching algorithm, an improvement in the harmonic composition of the input current is observed, namely, the decrease in the amplitudes of the higher harmonics of the input current and the reduction of the resulting harmonic distortion coefficient. Originality. It is established that the proposed improved hysteresis control system of the active four-quadrant converter by means of short-circuited states of power switches allows reducing the total number of times of switching power switches, and accordingly, dynamic losses in the active converter, which allows increasing the efficiency of the input transducer of the electric rolling stock. Practical value. The proposed improved hysteresis control system, thanks to the advanced switching power switch algorithm, reduces dynamic losses to 33 %.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З264.5


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