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Prokhorova V. 
Safety of industrial enterprises development: evaluation of innovative and investment component = Безпека розвитку промислового підприємства: оцінка інноваційно-інвестиційної складової / V. Prokhorova, V. Protsenko, G. Abuselidze, S. Mushnykova, Yu. Us // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 155-161. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To form a methodical approach to assess the innovation and investment component of the safety of an industrial enterprise. Methodology. The methodical approach to the assessment of the innovation and investment component of development security takes into account the peculiarities of all functional areas of activities of an industrial enterprise and their structural transformations. It is based on theoretical consideration of information support and analytical function of enterprise management. The basis of the evaluation of the level of innovation and investment component of the security of industrial development the enterprise is an analytical and informational plane. Depending on the level of the managerial decision, the assessment of the given enterprise is performed the analytical-information plane which can be divided into three interrelated and correlated fields: an informational and analytical field, analytical field, and the field of management decision making. The methodological approach is based on generally accepted analytical methods and techniques with a combination of specific game and mathematical methods for making managerial decisions. Findings. A methodical approach to the assessment of the level of innovation and investment component of the safety of industrial enterprise development in different economic conditions with the definition of criterion characteristics is proposed. The content and influence of the analytical and informational base in making an optimal managerial decision during the formation of the package of innovations to the implementation with determination of the priority of the directions of activities of the industrial enterprise are determined. Originality. The originality is to combine concepts such as "safety" and "development" into a single socio-economic definition of "security development". The theory of "debut" when forming a strategy for the development of an enterprise with the ability to choose the optimal managerial decision on the criterion of minimizing antagonisms is proposed. The model of the priority of the component of innovation and investment security of the industrial enterprise development, based on the Fishbern's utility is used. Practical value. The methodological approach suggested in the work is the theoretical basis for solving the scientific and practical problem of choosing the optimal managerial decision to assess the security of the industrial enterprise development and its innovation and investment direction of activities in different economic conditions: from stable to crisis, and vice versa.

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