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Vadziuk S. N. 
Basics of bioethics and biosafety : manual / S. N. Vadziuk, N. M. Volkova. - Ternopil : TSMU Ukrmedknyha, 2019. - 123 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 118-123 - англ.

The manual discusses the problem field and the universal principles of the personalistic model of bioethics regarding the moral side of human activity in medicine and biology. The material of the textbook is necessary for students to achieve the key objectives of the academic discipline ''Life Safety. Basics of bioethics and biosafety'', namely, understanding the need for living organisms to preserve their biological essence, biological qualities, and to realize the importance of preventing their loss of biological integrity. The key provisions of the fundamentals of bioethics and biosafety outlined in the manual will improve students' awareness of legislation that protects the individual, society and humanity as a whole from the undesirable and detrimental consequences of introducing new biomedical technologies into practice; will help to instill a deep conviction in the necessity of strict adherence to ethical and moral standards in their practical activities; form the ability to evaluate the latest achievements of biology and medicine from the point of view of determining the degree of danger to humans and society today and in the future.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р11(4УКР) п3 я73-1 + Ю751.5 я73-1


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