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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Regionalism without regions : reconceptualizing Ukraine's heterogeneity / ред.: U. Schmid, O. Myshlovska. - Budapest : Centr. Europ. Univ. Press, 2019. - 459 c. - (Leipzig Studies on the History and Culture of East Centr. Europe; Vol. 5). - англ.

This book shows how Ukraine can best be understood through its regions and how its regions must be considered against the backdrop of the nation. The aim of this book is to challenge the dominance of the nation-state paradigm in the analyses of Ukraine by illustrating the interrelationship between national and regional dynamics of change. The authors go beyond the perspective of a single entity defined by traditional political borders and cultural, economic, historical, or religious stereotypes. The research project that led to the composition of the book combined quantitative (statistical surveys conducted across Ukraine) and qualitative (in-depth interviews and focus-group discussion) methods. This book shows how larger patterns and historical developments have influenced interregional differences in present beliefs, values and practices. In particular, these include patterns of human settlement (the "civilizational frontier"), modernization and institutionalization. The authors look at differences in individual and institutional (corporate) attitudes to risk, to envy and to materialism, as well as attitudes to corruption and informal practices. The authors define a region as "a homogeneous topographical area, different from neighboring areas", and aim to define regions in Ukraine as homogeneous areas with respect to the identity profiles of their inhabitants. This book differentiates between regions defined on the basis of geographic and economic criteria, on the one hand, and historic regions on the other; the authors argue that a historic region is "a mental and not geographical construct and thus may be composed of geographically different milieus". The authors see regionalism as "a political principle premised on achieving a greater degree of political autonomy for a substate structure". The authors came to the conclusion that regionalism as a defining phenomenon of Ukraine is more prominent than the regions themselves. This approach regards Ukraine as a construct in flux where different discourses intersect, concur, and eventually merge through the lenses of various disciplines and methodologies.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ф3(4УКР)124.1 я43


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