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Sheremet O. 
Combined control system on the basis of two discrete time equalizers = Комбінована система керування на базі двох дискретних часових еквалайзерів / O. Sheremet, O. Sadovoi, Yu. Sokhina // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 75-79. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a method for constructing the structure of the combined management with compensation of parametric and coordinate perturbations on the basis of two discrete time equalizers and experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of additional compensating equalizer. Methodology. The theory of transition functions of finite duration is used to set the desired dynamic properties of automatic control systems in discrete time intervals. The modified structural schemes symmetry principle provides the formation of desired dynamic characteristics of closed-loop system with limited gain factor. Findings. A method of designing a combined control structure with compensation of parametric and coordinate perturbations based on two discrete time equalizers is developed and experimentally tested. The method is one of the components of the methodology of the synthesis of automatic control systems, and provides the setting of the desired dynamic properties for the output coordinate in the graphical form or in the form of points set of the desired transient function. Originality. The technique of designing the structure of the combined control system based on two discrete time equalizers (basic and compensating) was developed for the first time. The technique differs from the known (with only one discrete time equalizer) by the introduction of a parallel correction branch with a discrete time equalizer, configured to fully compensate for the dynamic properties of the control object. This makes it possible to reduce the sensitivity of the system to coordinate and parametric perturbations. Practical value. The research results can be used for designing control algorithms for technical objects with their subsequent implementation program in the microcontroller or microprocessor control system.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З965.974


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