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Plakhtii O. A. 
Calculation of static and dynamic losses in power IGBT transistors by polynomial approximation of basic energy characteristics = Розрахунок статичних і динамічних втрат у силових IGBT-транзисторах шляхом поліноміальної апроксимації базових енергетичних характеристик / O. A. Plakhtii, V. P. Nerubatskyi, D. A. Hordiienko, H. A. Khoruzhevskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 2. - С. 82-88. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a calculation technique that allows the Matlab software to determine the static and dynamic losses in power IGBT-transistors and reverse diodes. Methodology. Polynomial approximation of the energy dependences of IGBT-transistors using the least squares method. Simulation in Matlab/Simulink. Power loss calculation with MelcoSim 5.1. Findings. The proposed calculation method allows the Matlab software to determine with sufficient accuracy the static and dynamic losses in power IGBT-transistors and reverse diodes for any type of semiconductor converter with any control law. The simulation confirms the accuracy of the proposed technique for calculating power losses in semiconductor converters. In addition, the presented method allows determining not only the power loss, but also the temperature of the power transistor to prevent it from failing. The results of the approximation of the characteristics of high-voltage power IGBT-transistors manufactured by Mitsubishi are presented. Originality. The technique of simulation in Matlab/Simulink program for calculation of static and dynamic power losses in power IGBT-transistors, as well as power losses in reverse diodes is developed. The presented method allows determining power losses and efficiency in any semiconductor converter with any control algorithm, which is a very useful tool in research. Practical value. The presented technique in Matlab simulation allows determining power losses and temperature of power transistors of any type in the composition of any semiconductor converter.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З852.3


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